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Editor data FM21

Austria - Level 10

DaveTheEditor Mar 1, 2021 Last modified: 24 Nov 13,648 views 896 downloads

This file will add the lower leagues of Austria all the way down to level 10! This file has been created by Davie77.


  • 150 leagues
  • 10 cups
  • 82 reserve leagues
  • 1 youth league
  • 9 U-18 leagues with 38 subdivisions

Information before starting a new save

At the start of the game you should NOT choose 'Austrian Level 6 and above', any other constellation can be chosen. Best would be 'Austrian Level 10 and above', because the FM uses random promotions and so leagues could shrink/grow a lot.

This file is not compatible with any 'name change' files! Keep your distance from it. (This refers to external "name change files", not the LNC).

I highly recommend to check 'Add players to playable teams' at save start.

Additional files

  • Austria's awards
  • Austria's fictional referees
  • Austria's media sources

Download additional files for 21.1

Download additional files for 21.3

Austrian leagues for 21.3

Download the league files for the FM21.1 database

How to install Austria - Level 10

  1. Download the file
  2. Make sure the .fmf file is stored in \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\editor data
  3. Start Football Manager and start a new career.
  4. When selecting your database files, make sure the editor file is ticked
  5. Continue to Advanced Settings
  6. Once you have selected your Nations & Leagues you can start your game.

Having troubles installing the file? Have a look at our guide on how to start a new save in Football Manager.


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