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Facepacks FM21

DF11 Regen Megapack

FMInside Feb 18, 2021 Last modified: 24 Nov 46,751 views 10,829 downloads

DF11 'Regen faces' for all future players generated by Football Manager 2021.

The DF11 Regens Megapack is a multicultured pack of 1200 unique DF11 faces for usage in Football Manager. All faces are created in DF11 style and will automatically work alongside with all other DF11 faces.

We have multiplied the 1200 unique faces to a total of 20.000 so that most new regen players will have a face in FM. All DF11 Regens are manually adjusted to be neutral as possible. (no brand/logo on the shirts)

What is a regen/newgen?

This is a player generated by Football Manager and they will be replacing real players as you progress in the game. These players get a computer generated face, but this facepack will replace these faces with a 'real face' in DF11 style.

How-to install a face pack

How to install DF11 Regen Megapack

  1. Download the megapack.
  2. Use a tool like Winrar or 7zip to extract the content of the download on your system
  3. Extract the contents of the folder into:
    \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\faces\
    If the Graphics & Faces folders do not exist, you can create them manually.
  4. Run Football Manager and navigate to Preferences > Interface.
  5. Tick the box ‘Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences’
  6.  Untick the box ‘Use caching to decrease page loading times’
  7. Hit confirm. If you followed the steps correctly you will be seeing the faces in your game.

If this doesn’t do the trick you can always have a look at our How to install a Facepack


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