The Director of Football Challenge will ask you to give away all of your powers to the AI of Football Manager.
If you really love a challenge that can be frustrating, difficult and extremely hard to complete you will love the Director of Football challenge. With this challenge you hand over all power and give it to the AI of Football Manager and in particular to the Director of Football, the Technical Director and the Loan Manager. They will be responsible for transfers, scouting assignments, contract renewals, finding and firing staff members and arranging all your outgoing loans.
Something that also makes this challenge difficult is that you are not allowed to sell or transfer players. So you are completely dependent on the choices of your Director of Football and you will have to try to perform with the selection he and his team put together for you.
And it will be quite difficult to keep high performing players for your club, while the Director of Football also has a good eye on your club's finances. If there's one thing FM's AI can't do well yet, it's logical thinking. High salaries and low minimum fee clauses in contracts are part of this challenge.
- Take control of any club
- Sign a Director of Football if the club doesn't have one
- Win the League and Domestic Cup
- Win international trophies
There are some rules that apply to this challenge:
- You can't complete any transfers
- You can't make bids for any players
- You can't complete any loans or make loan offers
- You can't sign any new staff or sack poor performing staff
- You can't offer any new contracts to your players or staff
- You can't send your scouts on assignments
Everything above needs to be completed by the AI of Football Manager, meaning you will have to delegate your responsibilities to the possible AI roles. A Director of Football, a Technical Director and a Loan Manager will be the ones you will be using in this challenge.
If you want to up the challenge to another level you could also ask your board to sign a Director of Football for you if the club doesn't have one. In this way there is a chance that the board appoints a Director of Football who does not at all fit with your ideas and vision in the tactical field.