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Challenges FM23

San Marino Challenge

2dPitchFM Nov 24, 2022 Last modified: 24 Nov 12,677 views

This is the San Marino Challenge for Football Manager! Try to conquer the world with one of the smallest football nations!

The toughest of all Football Manager challenges and one that many deem to be impossible. You can do this challenge in one of two ways. San Marino national team only or involve a Sammarinese club too. Here are how both versions work.

National team only

Take charge of the San Marino national team and win qualification to both the UEFA European Championship and FIFA World Cup. Getting to one is hard enough, but both of them? You are also tasked with one day winning one of those international competitions.


  • Qualify for the European Championship
  • Qualify for the World Cup
  • Win the European Championship
  • Win the World Cup

Extra difficultiy

  • Become the number one of the FIFA ranking

Nation & Club

ASDV San Marino and La Fiorita feature in the Italian leagues – you’ll need to download a database add-on to have them playable – and you’ll need to take one of them from the lower leagues up to Serie A and eventually take them in the UEFA competitions. At the same time you’ll need to be managing the national team and still be completing their own set challenge above.

Some say that managing the club makes the challenge a little easier as over time you can invest in training and youth facilities to give your national team chances a boost in levels of players.


  • Complete all of the above objectives for the National side
  • Win the Serie A
  • Win the Champions League

Are you going to take this one one? Good luck to you! And leave a comment to tell us how you did! Or head over to our Twitter page and share your story with us!


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