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Football Manager 2024 Beta explained

Lazy Oct 17, 2023 Last modified: 17 Oct 11,718 views

The Football Manager 2024 Beta is close to its release and in this article we explain how the Beta works and what you may expect.

What is the difference between Beta and Demo?

Football Manager 2024 will launch on November 6th 2023 and on that date the full game will be available to play. However, those of you who have pre-orderd the game with early access will be able to play the game roughly two weeks earlier. This is called the BETA version.

This is actually the full version of the game, including all the options you would expect from the full game. When starting a new save you will see every playable nation and league, the database is fully pdated and you are able to enjoy all the new features.

The biggest difference between the Beta and a demo is that the Beta is actually the full game, but a version that is still in development. The Demo is a small part of a video game to allow possible buyers to enjoy a single level or a single match. In the Football Manager demo you will be able to play 6 months of in game time.

Beta exceptions

There are some exceptions though: pregame and ingame editor. These aren't available during the beta stage of FM23 and will be released on November 8th. And the same goes for the Online options in Football Manager, including the Versus Mode.

Why release a Beta version?

The main reason for Sports Interactive to release a Beta version is simple: information and feedback. During the development of the game, SI has inhouse testers and they have a closed test group who all play early development versions to find bugs and try out new features to tweak them. By releasing a Beta, SI will get a very larg test group for free! I

nstead of a small team of dedicated testers or a small alfa test group, the beta will be tested by thousands of people who all play the game differently, making it easier for SI to spot the bigger bugs and try to solve this with patches ahead of the full release.

Found a bug?

If you encounter a bug you can report it over at the official forums of Sports Interactive. And please do report your bugs as this is important to make sure they get fixed!

Find the forums here

How do I get the FM24 Beta?

Easy! Just pre-order the game through our website at one of our partners. Once you have completed your purchase you will receive your activation code in the email. The activation code can be used on Steam to complete the installation. Once the Beta has been launched you will receive a notification. You can then start the game as you would start the full version.

What will happen when the full version is out?

Nothing!! The game will simply update itself on November 6th 2023. Just close down FM24, restart Steam and the game will be updated automatically.

Can I use logo, face or kit packs in the beta?

Yes! And the best thing is, you can reuse the ones you have downloaded and used for Football Manager 2023! Simply move the graphical addons to the correct FM24 folder and you are all set! Don't forget to follow the instructions for activating graphical packs though!

Find instructions on Facepacks - Kitpacks - Logopacks

What about editor files in the FM24 Beta?

Unfortunately these can't be used during the beta. This means that the FMUpdate and its add-ons for example can't be used during the first 2 weeks. However, these will be made available shortly after the game's release on November 8th.

Can I fix fake teams like Germany?

These can be fixed! Simply follow the steps for the activation of fake teams and it will work as it did in previous versions. Find our guide for that here.

Pre-purchase FM24

Have you already pre-purchased FM so you can get started when the beta launches? If not, through our website you can get up to 30% off the official retail price. Find the best deals.


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