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Skins FM24

Mustermann Iconic FM24 Skin v1.1

FMInside Nov 28, 2023 Last modified: 23 Dec 45,545 views 9,420 downloads

This is the Mustermann Iconic skin for Football Manager 2024. Created by Mustermann.

This is the mustermann skin, one of the most innovative skins in the Football Manager community. Introduced during the FM23 season, the new Mustermann Iconic skin for FM24 is set to break the boundries yet again!


Attributes reimagined

Grouped by training category, attributes are displayed in context with the area of the game they impact. Numbers are no more - with simple icons introduced to represent an attribute range (excellent, good, average & poor). Untethered from obsessing over the difference between a 13 and 14, Mustermann Iconic puts priority on practical performance.

Moneyball is the opiate of the masses

With the introduction of even more stats in this year's edition of FM, Mustermann Iconic gives the mmore prominence within the player profile. A brand new pizza chart helps take analytic data to the next level, whilst the introduction of archetype badges gives you a snapshot of how your players are impacting games.

Matchday Experience

Shamelessly stealing the touchline tablet from the Console version of the game, all your match feedback is available in one place. There's a catch, though - you will no longer be able to see the action on the pitch whilst you have your nose buried deep in the data. A new post-match prodives a customisable summary of completed games.

Overview overhaul

Key information pages have been overhauled to give a more natural feel to sourcing your knowledge. The Mustermann Broadcasting nettowk brings you ingame news alongside an assortment of tactics videos, guides and logs and useful resources from awesome FM creators within the community.

Mustermann Feature overview video


Quite a few to mention, and I'm sure there will be some that I've missed.  If I've inadvertently used something you believe I haven't credited please let me know!

  • tcsskin - An elder statesman of skinning, taught me a lot and been a wonderful sounding board.  All round solid fella.
  • keysi - For all the assistance to my many skinning queries.
  • Wozzie - Tad Twenty was the first skin I used.  Arguably to blame for me going down this rabbit hole!
  • Michaeltmurrayuk - For those base skins all those years ago.
  • wkdsoul - For all the assistance to my man skinning queries.
  • sebastian_starttrbts - For setting me down the path of pseudo-attributeless skinning.
  • Tyburn - Also for setting me down the path of pseudo-attributeless skinning.
  • _Ben_ - For being a fabulous sounding board and helping to push new ideas over the last 18 months.
  • Just Howie - For entertaining late night conversations on completely inconsequential skinning related nonsense.
  • Groot - For building my ego and helping me with various skinning queries.
  • Snowofman - For all the assistance to my many skinning queries.
  • a31632 - For being a master of buttons.
  • Jellico - For his consistent and constructive feedback.
  • VonTrips - For his consistent and constructive feedback, and assistance with Czech translations.
  • FERIA - For help with French translations.
  • Herr Jones - For help with Portuguese translations.

How to install Mustermann Iconic FM24 Skin v1.1

  1. Download the skin
  2. Use a tool like Winrar or 7zip to extract the content of the download on your system
  3. Extract the contents of the folder into: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\skins\
    If the skins folder doesn''t exist, you can create it manually.
  4. Run Football Manager and navigate to Preferences > Interface.
  5. In the skin section use the drop down to select the skin. If you have followed the steps correctly you will see the custom skin in the drop down list.
  6. Untick the box labelled 'use caching to decrease page load times'
  7. Hit confirm and the skin will be loaded.
  8. Quit FM and reload (important!). This is necessary for the skin to load some initial configurations, that will only take effect after a restart.

If this doesn't do the trick you can have a look at our 'How to install a custom skin' guide.


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