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Skins FM22

Priisek Dark FM22 Skin

FMInside Oct 22, 2021 Last modified: 30 Nov 10,648 views 1,854 downloads

A base skin alternative with a dark background. Get rid of nearly all the intense purple colors of the default FM22 skin.

Hi Everyone

A big thanks has to be said to All you guys & gals for inspiring me to do a FM22 Skin after you downloaded my skins nearly 250k times...WOW Thanks again

So it all begins again today.


You have to have the BASE & PRO versions like FM21 to run PRO & so on.

So please add all SEVEN to your Directory ( all small folders )

Any issues, please DM or message.

DONATION for PRO Versions.

This is a £2.50 Sterling to get this option.



How to install Priisek Dark FM22 Skin

  1. Download the skin
  2. Use a tool like Winrar or 7zip to extract the content of the download on your system
  3. Extract the contents of the folder into:\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\
    If the skins folder doesn''t exist, you can create it manually.
  4. Run Football Manager and navigate to Preferences > Interface.
  5. In the skin section use the drop down to select the skin. If you have followed the steps correctly you will see the custom skin in the drop down list.
  6. Hit confirm and the skin will be loaded.

If this doesn't do the trick you can have a look at our 'How to install a custom skin' guide.


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