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Skins FM21

Rensie Purple & Dark skins v2

FMInside Feb 17, 2021 Last modified: 24 Nov 20,472 views 4,312 downloads

A new version of the FM Rensie Skin. This is V2 of the popular skin for Football Manager 2021.

The first version of the FM21 custom skin was released at the end of November last year. I edited the skin mainly for my own since the release in several ways and several places. I was just developing my own skin version, same as in the past.

And I decided to release version number two after I put together several tweaks and decided it’s an ideal time in combination with many questions about how I did this or this.


  • Custom Title bar and side bar
  • Custom Match Screens and scoreboard
  • Player bottom bar profile
  • Custom numbers and new font
  • Instant result
  • Extra large panels to use with DF11 Faces.

Important - Be sure to exit the game, move the old skin(s) from the Sports Interactive/Football Manager/skins folder out before you will extract the new one. Clear cache – ideally not only in the game but also in your App data folder.



  • michaeltmurrayuk for the option to use his base skins, also with the background support option. IF you want to know how to change the opacity, just visit his website or the SI Forum. Also thanks for his Match Screens.
  • Gaz / FMwkdsoul for his idea of the selector in the player overview screen as I saw it in screens from his skins on Twitter and decided to make it by myself.
  • FMEnhanced as I took the Instant Result option from his v2.0 version.
  • Wozzie for the help with the the player bottom bar and the “i” icon.
  • PequenoGenio/Marco Morais for his tips and hints during creating skin for himself and help with some graphics.


If you think this work deserves some donation to my PayPal account, you are free to send some money via this link – or click to the picture.

How to install Rensie Purple & Dark skins v2

  1. Download the skin
  2. Use a tool like Winrar or 7zip to extract the content of the download on your system
  3. Extract the contents of the folder into:\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\
    If the skins folder doesn''t exist, you can create it manually.
  4. Run Football Manager and navigate to Preferences > Interface.
  5. In the skin section use the drop down to select the skin. If you have followed the steps correctly you will see the custom skin in the drop down list.
  6. Hit confirm and the skin will be loaded.

If this doesn't do the trick you can have a look at our 'How to install a custom skin' guide.


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