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Skins FM21

Priisek Dark FM21 Skin v7

Lazy Dec 18, 2020 Last modified: 24 Nov 22,839 views 5,371 downloads

This is a dark skin for Football Manager 2021 with loads of extra features.

A base skin alternative with a dark background. Get rid of nearly all the intense purple colors of the default FM21 skin.

Used OPZ Elite 2020 as starting point. Big thanks to wannachupbrew, yacs, woz, flut, opz, kojura, heffem, FMPortugal & many others.

Many thanks to you guys that have donated so far, means a lot & help me to keep it updated.

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  • Instant Result
  • Background selector
  • CA & PA visible in Player Profiles
  • Profile Faces selector (pick between DF11 or Cut out)
  • And more!


# Full working version of FM Touch added #

V5.5 Updated many colours in all versions inc. TOUCH, training panel & team reort panel

v5.4 Fixed the issue with not being able to continue from the Managers Profile Screen

V5.3 Fixed issue with match player panel health problem, Changed many colour conflicts & updated TOUCH version too.

V5.2 Changed the Instant Match to show Scored Goals & Changed a few Title Colour to help to them better.

I just coudln't resist it haha! but this should be the final update, as i can't see any more to make it better really.

V5.1 Fixed Instant Result & a few small errors with colour clashes.

Now it's time to enjoy the game & SKIN.... Please enjoy it as much as I do & if you do please donate to help, many thanks for your kind support.

V5 Massive Upgraded Match Screen, Improved Inbox Colour, few tweaks & Added Extra options to Player Profile.


How to install Priisek Dark FM21 Skin v7

  1. Download the skin
  2. Use a tool like Winrar or 7zip to extract the content of the download on your system
  3. Extract the contents of the folder into:\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\
    If the skins folder doesn''t exist, you can create it manually.
  4. Run Football Manager and navigate to Preferences > Interface.
  5. In the skin section use the drop down to select the skin. If you have followed the steps correctly you will see the custom skin in the drop down list.
  6. Hit confirm and the skin will be loaded.

If this doesn't do the trick you can have a look at our 'How to install a custom skin' guide.


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