This is a remake of Championship Manager 1997 / 1998. This is a full game that offers a full remake of the iconic game, including graphics and the 97/98 database.
It has been 25 years since the release of Championship Manager 97/98 and this free fan made Mod will keep the game alive for the fans! Relive the 90's once more!
This awesome remake has been created by @cm9798v2. Please follow them on Twitter for more updates on the game and possible new releases!
CM9798 V2 Features
- Complete re-work of the teams database.
- Better quality player load (10-12.000 players in game). Thousand upon thousand of players updated. Cleaned up everything in the original database, creating a better in game player load.
- All teams updated. They now play in their correct colors.
- Graphical alterations all over, making the design much cleaner.
- New set of standard backgrounds, with unique photos for nearly every team.
- Run the game with up to 5 nations simultaneously, and not just 3.
- Colored attributes for players.
- Speedy commentary to be able to play faster.
- Updated the start up files. So that you can launch both this version, and the original from the same setup.
- Every money value in game is doubled to give it a more real feel.
- The game now fights back with improved and tested tactics.
- Correct teams playing in the 3 European Cups in the first season for all nations.
- Cleaned up the Player Search & Transfers screen.
- Replaced news messages with better versions.
- Correct host nations for all the upcoming World Cup's and Euro's.
- ... plus lots and lots of small tweaks all over.
Support the project!
If you like playing the game and you would like to offer your support, buy them a coffee or a beer!
How to install and play
On Windows it's pretty straight forward. Simply extract the contents of the downloaded .zip and double-click CM9798_V2.exe to begin.
Tip: Alt + Enter gives you full screen.
1. Download the DOSbox emulator.
2. Find the DOSbox settings.
3. Alter the DOSbox settings.
4. Then just run DOSbox that will be your start file. Be sure to have the game files in you documents folder.
1. Download the Magic Dosbox emulator from the Play Store.
2. Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip to get the "cm9798v2" folder.
3. Place the "cm9798v2" folder inside the MagicBox folder that's on your device.
4. Copy the settings shown below.
5. If all set correctly, your game should load up and you will now see a quick start of the game when you open Magic Box.
Special THANKS
Thanks to @williewrap for teaming up with me, so that we together are on this mission to create the ultimate version of Championship Manager 97-98.
Thanks to Nick & Co for making much of the alterations to the .exe file possible.
Thanks to @ukHollyhill for allowing the use of his enormous player history file in the project.
Special thanks for testing and contributions from @dadepoor, @ManagerOld, @9798Nikolai and @johnmcm04582246.
And basically the whole CM community over at Twitter!